Things that matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least. It hurts to see some mothers place their priorities on things that do not matter. With so many needs around us as mothers daily, we need to prioritize our commitments. We don’t need to pack our plates full of irrelevant relationships, commitments, etc

Every mother must define her priorities in order to fulfill her purpose in life.

Defining and keeping to our priorities will keep us focused on what is important; it will reduce stress, unnecessary frustration, and anxiety. It will help free up more personal time. It will help us to be more effective and efficient in our duties as mothers. When mothers misplace their priorities, it can be likened to fetching water into a basket; it will never amount to anything great.

Misplaced priority (ies) will sap your energy and waste your resources (money and time inclusive).

Read Haggai 1; 5-11.

Therefore, can I ask you what your priorities are as a mother?
➡️ Where is God in your affairs?
➡️ Would you rather buy that party clothes than join hands to pay your children’s school fees?
➡️ Would you rather pick your career in place of your home?

So let’s take a look at what ideal top priorities of a mother should be
🛑 God: God should be every mother’s NO. 1 priority. It takes only God to sustain what he has given to you.
🛑 Her Husband: Be committed to loving your husband. The children will go someday; therefore, it’s only the relationship that you have built with him over time that will last.
🛑 Her Children: taking time to build a relationship with the kids is key.
🛑 Her health and well-being: you can’t give what you don’t have, hence, you need to give attention to your general well-being in order to be more effective as a mother.
🛑 Her Career.

🛑 Friends/Extended Family/other commitments.


📕 Evaluate your priorities today, make adjustments where necessary and keep moving.

You Are The BEST MOM.

Deliberate Mother’s


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