When we become mothers, every one of us feels indescribable, consuming love for our kids and naturally wants the best for them. God also cares a great deal about the well-being of our families.

📕Scripture tells us that children are “a gift of the LORD” (Ps. 127:3), a reward from Him, and precious in His sight. It also teaches us that we’re stewards of His precious gifts, and as stewards, we’re accountable to God for how we raise and care for our children.

🚨The truth is that He loves our kids more than we ever could, and so we can trust in Him to guide us.

🚨And the amazing thing is that we have a God that doesn’t leave us clueless to figure it out on our own but gives us a guide in the Bible.

There is so much Joy and rest in parenting God’s way. Let’s consider few basic points that will help us in our parenting journey this year;

As a parent:

✍️ Seek the Lord continuously: you need God’s direction and wisdom daily to train your children in the way that they should go. Raising godly children starts by seeking the Lord. It is truly impossible to be a “good” and “effective” parent without constantly seeking the Lord for His help and guidance. Daily pray that He shows you how to parent each child the way that they need so that they will become all that He has intended them to be.

✍️ Have an unwavering commitment to God’s word: Deuteronomy 6:6-7 tells us this;“These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise.”

The more you fill your heart with His words and guidance, the more those words will flow from you to your kids. It’s then that it becomes easy to speak of them when sitting, when walking, when lying down, and when getting up.

✍️ Look to His Words for instruction: Truly everything we need to know, from what lessons and values to teach our children, to how to train them and raise them to be godly men and women, are all found in God’s word.
“Bring [your children] up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord” (Eph. 6:4).

Thankfully, your Bible is an unbeatable resource in this task. This year seek solutions to questions from the bible.

✍️ Lead by example; Parents love to talk about what is right and wrong and can be quick to judge their kid’s actions, but many times they don’t look at themselves to see if they are even modeling what they are teaching.

Our kids are constantly watching us, to see how we react in challenging situations, how we speak with our mouths, and how we treat others.

✍️ Be consistent in discipline:
Children are always trying to test their parents to know if they truly mean what they say. I know we all love our kids so much and, many times our love for them can make us let many offenses that should be disciplined go. But we must try our best to be consistent with discipline. Meanwhile, It is so crucial that discipline is always connected with love, or else it will yield no positive results.

✍️Finally, since this is a new year let me say this. If you’ve never trusted Christ as your Savior, no amount of sacrifices, time, money, or education will help your children out of spiritual poverty. When it comes to things of eternal value, the only thing that will matter is their relationship with God through His Son, not religion. If you truly love your kids, this is the most important thing you can do for them.

🙏God Will help us with all our roles this year, we will enjoy strength from Above and rest over all our kids in Jesus’ Name. AMEN.

Deliberate Mothers


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