One major key to sustaining love in marriage is to understand what your partner wants.

Today, we will discuss what women want. If you can UNDERSTAND, ANTICIPATE & SATISFY the needs of your wife, you have unlocked one of the major doors to a HAPPY MARRIAGE.


Who doesn’t want money? Both genders need money as it invariably solves a lot of problems. However, in the context of marriage, love, though important, is not enough to sustain a marriage.

Women are saddled with a lot of responsibilities; from childbirth and raising children to taking care of the home front. They, however, are averse to the ridicule that comes from lack of funds especially when bills (rent, school fees, groceries etc) are unpaid. When there is a financial lack, your wife’s emotional strength and love for you is tested, especially when the situation persists for too long.

A marriage with no financial resources for a long time will be greatly tested and love can cross the proverbial thin line to hatred.

N.B – This is one major reason why I counsel singles and intending couples to both have a source of INCOME before marriage irrespective of its size. Money is important to meet the needs of a home (bill payments, children’s upbringing, and even service to God)


A woman should be gainfully engaged and have access to her own source of income. Asides from periods where she may be unable to work e.g. during pregnancy or after childbirth, if your wife is willing and able to work or generate income then she should be allowed to. Contrary to old tradition there is no shame when your wife works or runs a business. It helps her fulfill her purpose as a help-meet, especially in times when the husband may be unable to provide for the home.


Women crave attention. When you’re married, it is important you keep the same energy that was used in wooing your wife. A good way to express love to your wife is via care and attention. Most women are emotional and expressive and it is important for husbands to show how much their wives are valued by showering them with love and care. In marriage, there is no room for emotional absenteeism.


Do not create room for doubts in your marriage. A loving wife is willing to stretch and make sacrifices when there is trust. Trust is not instant, rather it is earned and built over time. Unlike dating, marriage is an institution that will show if you’re a man of your word, responsible and trustworthy. To build trust, your words and action should be in sync.

It is my prayer that you achieve success in your marriage.

I am always within your reach to assist on this journey.

My goal is to help you achieve sexual fulfillment & marital success.


Femi Olaitan.

Blessings Always!

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